Interface ModuleActivator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ModuleActivator

Contains methods that get called at different stages as the application is executing, you should extend BaseModuleActivator instead of directly implementing this interface for forward compatibility of subclasses.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void contextRefreshed()
          Called after spring's application context is refreshed , this method is called multiple times i.e.
 void started()
          Called after a module is started, the application context has been refreshed and the module's service methods are ready to be called.
 void stopped()
          Called after a module is stopped
 void willRefreshContext()
          Called just before spring's application context is refreshed, this method is called multiple times i.e.
 void willStart()
          Called after a module has been loaded but before the application context is refreshed, at this point the module's service methods aren't yet available so they can't be called.
 void willStop()
          Called just before a module is stopped

Method Detail


void willRefreshContext()
Called just before spring's application context is refreshed, this method is called multiple times i.e. whenever a new module gets started, at application startup or a developer chooses to refresh the context.


void contextRefreshed()
Called after spring's application context is refreshed , this method is called multiple times i.e. whenever a new module gets started and at application startup.


void willStart()
Called after a module has been loaded but before the application context is refreshed, at this point the module's service methods aren't yet available so they can't be called.

This method will be authenticated as the Daemon user and have all privileges.


void started()
Called after a module is started, the application context has been refreshed and the module's service methods are ready to be called.


void willStop()
Called just before a module is stopped


void stopped()
Called after a module is stopped


Generated Apr 27 2012 10:06 PM. NOTE - these libraries are in active development and subject to change